Photography & Social Practice Workshop: Critical Questions and Resources

  The Photography & Social Practice Workshop will provide a forum for the Open Engagement community to shape a large conversation that will aim to unfold through a book, a blog, an exhibition and a daylong event in conjunction with partners such as Aperture, the Magnum Foundation and OE 2018.… Continue reading

Tapping the Creative Energies of New York City’s Migrants with Street and Studio Photography

Reposted from Prison Photography April 27, 2015   GIVING POWER TO THE PEOPLE Sol Aramendi is an absolute force. Community smarts, a big heart and bloody hardwork makes her THE instigator for photography and inquiry among the immigrants living in New York city. Project Luz, an organization she founded, delivers photography workshops. Most… Continue reading

Feedback from Photo-Based Social Practice Panel

Audience/participants reading the 4-page PHOTOGRAPHY AND SOCIAL PRACTICE broadsheet, a PDF of which can be found here. Today we (Pete Brook, Eliza Gregory, Gemma-Rose Turnbull, Mark Strandquist and Wendy Ewald) had the Photo-Based Social Practice panel, a discussion of socially engaged, transdisciplinary, and expanded practices in contemporary photography at Aperture Foundation in New York for Open Engagement. As… Continue reading

Photo-based Social Practice Broadsheet

This is the four-page newspaper we created to share some of the driving questions and ideas with the audience during the panel discussion on socially engaged, transdisciplinary, and expanded practices in contemporary photography at Aperture Foundation in New York as part of the Open Engagement conference in May. Click on the title… Continue reading

Stephanie Diamond//Open Engagement

“I have always been a social practice artist, even when I didn’t have the term and called myself a photographer. When the term social practice became common, I felt a second sense of relief. I finally had a space to put myself…” – Stephanie Diamond

Stephanie Diamond is a New York City based social practice artist. Her work ensures that humans take care of themselves as individuals within a public. Her projects explore self-care, personal practice and individual awareness as a catalyst for being of service to communities. She runs Listings Project, her free weekly email of real estate and opportunities listings serving artists, creative communities and beyond.

You can read the rest of Stephanie’s account of transitioning from calling herself a photographer to being a social practice artist on the Open Engagement 100 Days/100 Questions blog project here.

Panel at Aperture Foundation for Open Engagement 2014

We are so delighted to announce that we are presenting a discussion of socially engaged, transdisciplinary, and expanded practices in contemporary photography at Aperture, as part of Open Engagement 2014. The panel will be presented in conjunction with the Photography, Expanded Spring 2014 issue of Aperture magazine, produced in collaboration with guest editor… Continue reading